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  • Who are the Indiana Cyber Lions?
    The Indiana Cyber Lions Club (ICLC) is a relatively new statewide Lions Club, supporting both general community service projects and those of Lions Clubs International. Lions Clubs are an association of non-religious and non-political service clubs, currently serving over 200 countries around the world. ( The ICLC conducts the bulk of its business online, and promotes service projects about the state. ICLC is a gateway to the work of over 400 Hoosier clubs and their 10,000 members!
  • When does the club meet?
    The Indiana Cyber Lions Club, ICLC, holds monthly online meetings, and one annual face to face meeting. ICLC members serve where they can, when they can. This allows ICLC members to keep to their busy schedules and still be a part of the largest service organization on the planet. Time is valuable, so one of the ICLC's objectives is to increase time for service while reducing time in general meetings.
  • Who can be a member?
    All men and women of good character and over 18 years of age are invited to be an Indiana Cyber Lion! Lions come from all walks of life and every imaginable background. This diversity of experience and ability gives Lions Clubs its unique capacity to serve at the grass roots level.
  • Do I have to be from Indiana to be part of this club?
    If you are a Hoosier or a person that has a relationship to Indiana, join us! If you are a former Lion working abroad or traveling too frequently to serve in a traditional club, join us! If you love the idea of being a Lion but have difficulties making it to regularly scheduled meetings, join us!! Indiana Cyber Lions Club is for people with busy schedules who would like to serve their communities, state, and world.
  • How do I know about club events and activities?
    The Indiana Cyber Lions Club, ICLC, members receive email and social media notifications of upcoming events. The ICLC is looking to expand its communication options. Members may also receive notifications and check our website for updates: Host meetups, plan service events, propose new service projects, raise funds, etc. The process of notification is fluid at this time, the ICLC is looking at a variety of means for communication.
  • Do you accept transfer members from existing Lions Clubs?
    Yes, the Indiana Cyber Lions Club may grant membership on a transfer basis to one who has terminated or is terminating his/her membership in another Lions club.
  • What does the club do? The classic Lions service projects, or develop new projects?"
    Indiana Cyber Lions Club, ICLC, is on a path to determine its own service focus as it matures and grows. The five Indiana State Projects, as well as the Indiana Lions Foundation and Lions Clubs International Foundation are common to all Indiana Lions Clubs. These and other projects such as eyeglass recycling, vision screening, hearing programs and others yet to be identified will be considered by the Indiana Cyber LC. ICLC and its members may opt to support events and projects of clubs in its communities. We encourage traditional Lions Clubs to contact ICLC with their events and local service projects, so that we may work together. Working online greatly simplifies and speeds service efforts, while also making it easier to be a Lion.
  • May I attend an online meeting, if I am not a member of the Club?"
    Yes. The Indiana Cyber LC meets the third Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. (Indiana time zone). Meeting link:
  • May I attend Lions District and State Conventions?
    Of course! You’re a Lion!
  • Will I receive the Lion magazine online or by print version?
    Both! Also download the Lion magazine app for the most up to date information and special articles. They are both standard member benefits.
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